Site policy

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  • Site policy

Site use

This website ( hereinafter referred to as “this website”) is operated by Usui Metals Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). Please read the following terms of use before using this website, and use this website only if you agree to these terms. Furthermore, when you use this website, you are automatically deemed to have agreed to the following conditions. Please note that our company may change the terms of use without prior notice.

(1) Copyright

Copyrights and other rights related to the information published on this website belong to our company or the rights holders who have authorized us to use it. These copyrights are protected by the copyright laws of each country, various treaties, and other laws, and you may not use (reproduce) the content posted on this website beyond the scope permitted by law, such as for personal use, falsification, distribution, etc.) is prohibited.

(2) Disclaimer

Our company does not accept any direct or indirect damage caused by software or hardware troubles that may occur on your computer, peripheral devices, network environment, etc. due to your access to this website. We will not be responsible for any damage caused. However, if we are required to assume responsibility by mandatory laws and regulations, we will assume responsibility to that extent.

(3) Links

If you would like to set up a link to this website, you are needed to let us know. At that time, please clearly state your name, contact information (address, phone number, and email address), and the URL of the website to which you want to set the link. Additionally, the content of third party sites other than Company that are linked from or to this website are managed under their own responsibility and are not under our control. Please use each site according to its terms of use.

(4) Handling of personal information

We deeply recognize the importance of our customers’ personal information, and will handle it appropriately on this website in accordance with our “Personal Information Protection Policy.”

(5) Recommended environment

Unless otherwise specified, we recommend viewing this website using the following browsers.
Customers using PC
(Windows version, Macintosh version) Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge latest version
Customers using smartphones and tablets
Models with iOS15 or later‥‥Terminal standard browser (Safari, etc.)
Android 13 or later‥‥Terminal standard browser (Chrome, etc.)

Please note that if you use a browser other than that listed above or if you have customized viewing environment settings, you may not be able to view the page properly. Please also note that some content may change without notice.

(6) Opinions and questions regarding this website

If you have any comments or questions regarding the content of this website, please contact us.