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  • Copper Scrap

Copper Scrap

We collect a wide range of copper scraps.
The main items include used electrical wire scraps from electrical wire companies and construction sites, unused copper generated at non-ferrous related product manufacturing plants, and used waste generated from home appliance recycling plants and non-ferrous scrap collectors.
We purchase the following items generated at your factory and site.

  • wire scrap
  • wire scrap
  • wire scrap
  • aluminum wire scrap
  • punching scrap
  • used copper scrap
  • used copper scrap
  • bus bar scrap
  • enamel wire scrap
  • electrical wire scrap
  • copper scrap

Examples of Handling Items

Copper scraps
copper wire scrap, copper-rolled product scrap (plates, tubes, strips, rods, wires, etc.), enameled wire scrap, trolley wire scrap, copper casting scrap, copper slag, copper shavings, nugget scrap, bus bars, etc.
Copper alloy scrap
various lead frame materials, brass scrap, gunmetal scrap, phosphor bronze scrap, beryllium copper scrap, nickel silver scrap, copper scrap with iron, medium-grade copper scrap, etc.
Wire scraps
various coated copper wire scraps, copper cable scraps, etc.
Aluminum scrap
various aluminum wire scraps (bare ACSR, coated ACSR scrap), various bare aluminum scraps, etc.
Miscellaneous copper scraps, printed circuit boards, various electrical parts scraps, various electrical equipment scraps, etc.