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Environmental Policy/SDGs Initiatives

Environmental Policy

1. Basic Principle

Our company recognizes that our corporate activities have an impact on the global environment, and we work to preserve the environment and continuously improve it within the scope of application.

2. Basic Policy

  • (1)We will incorporate environmental initiatives as part of our management system and conduct company-wide activities.
  • (2)We will accurately understand the impact of our business activities, administrative activities, services, and products have on the environment, strive for continuous improvement by reducing the environmental pollution.
  • (3)At the same time, we will clarify and comply with environmental laws, regulations, agreements, and other requirements related to our environmental aspects.
  • (4) In our business activities, we will prioritize the following matters and work on environmental prevention.
    • ① Promote the recycling of non-ferrous metal scraps and waste plastics.
    • ② Promote reduction of oil energy.
    • ③ Promote the reduction of landfill disposal and incineration.
    • ④ Set environmental objectives and goals, formulate an action plan, and strive to realize our policies.
  • (5)We aim to become an environmentally friendly company by thoroughly disseminating this environmental policy to all employees and all those who work for our company, encouraging them to be aware of their impact on the environment, and playing their optimal role.

Initiatives for SDGs

We aim to conserve limited resources and contribute to building a resource recycling society through recycling non-ferrous metal scraps.

1. Environmental conservation

Improve life cycle environmental efficiency and promote 3R

Promoting the reduction of oil energy
(Purpose) Reduce electricity usage
Promoting the reduction of landfills disposals and incineration (Purpose) Reduce the amount of waste disposal volume

2. Safety and health

Promoting employee health and improving the working environment

Promoting human resource development and work style reform (Purpose) Create a rewarding workplace where each employee can fully demonstrate their abilities and play an active role

3. Contribution to stakeholders

Providing value through sound business

Improving knowledge, sorting, and processing technology for nonferrous metal scrap
(Purpose) Build a stable supply system to support expanding demand