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Management Philosophy / Management Policy

Management Philosophy

By striving to conserve limited resources through recycling, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Management Policy

  • Bridging Old and New
    We will acquire the recycling technology and knowledge cultivated by our predecessors, and actively incorporate and develop new technology and knowledge to provide our customers with recycling services that are suitable today.
  • Customer First
    We actively listen to the needs of our customers and society, and make proposals at reasonable prices.
  • Become a Trusted Company
    When dealing with customers, we will respond cheerfully, politely, sincerely, and promptly.
    We will also provide accurate information and provide compliant recycling services.
  • For Our Employees
    We believe that we cannot work for our customers and society if we are not satisfied. We will promote corporate activities to protect the safety and livelihood of all employees.