Company Information

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May 1925
Started business as Usui Shoten in Midori, Sumida-ku, Tokyo.
March 1942
Temporary closure was forced due to the Metal Wartime Control Order.
May 1947
Resuming operations at the registered office location.
June 1954
Incorporated, and name changed to Usui Shoten Corporation
October 1962
Nagoya Branch opened
August 1964
Increased capital to 15 million yen.
April 1988
Narita Plant opened.
Increased capital to 30 million yen.
June 1989
Company name changed to Usui Metals Corporation
October 1997
Became a member of BIR (Bureau of International Recycling).
May 2003
Acquired ISO14001 Environmental Management System (Ichikawa/Narita).
February 2010
Registered office moved to Nihonbashi-hamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
The headquarters functions remain unchanged at the Ichikawa Business Headquarters.
September 2022
Tokyo Office opened.